Journal of Food Science and Agricultural Technology (JFAT)
School of Agro-Industry
Mae Fah Luang University

ISSN: 2408-1736


Multiplication of Mungbean Seeds Through Farmer Networks Enhancing Seed and Food Security

Papassorn Wattanakulpakin, Supalak Sattayasamitsathit, Kantima Thongsri, Chuchat Bunsak


The multiplication of good seeds quality supporting crop production are linked the sustainable food security. This project was to multiply farmer seed networks and produce four classes of mungbean seeds following breeder, foundation, registered and certified seeds in order to increase seed supply to seed system and crop production in our country. The collaboration between Department of Agriculture (DOA) and farmer networks to produce mungbean seeds were operated from October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. There were 16 organizations of DOA, and 37 farmer groups of 18 provinces participating in this project. The participating farmers came from Central, Northern, Northeastern and Southern parts of Thailand. The mungbean seed yield was totally 623.17 tons of the plan, 620 tons that consisted of breeder, foundation, registered and certified seeds for 3.01, 25.30, 200.79 and 394.06 tons, respectively. The production of breeder and foundation seeds responded by DOA’ staffs, while registered and certified seeds were conducted through farmer networks. The utilized mungbean seeds by 570.56 tons or 91.56% were distributed to government agencies, private sectors and farmers around country up to 39 provinces that approximately support planting area 57,016 rai. Data analysis from the questionnaires showed over 80% farmer seed networks satisfaction to DOA’s stuffs and seed production technology. Moreover, they gained higher net incomes from this project by 1,200 baht/rai/crop due to using good seed quality. The utilization of 524 growers were calculated. Fifty-one percent of mungbean sold in term of grain, followed by using as soil fertilizer by 21%, alternate crops by 16%, farm saved seed by 6%, drought situation by 4%, and others by 2%, respectively. Seed multiplication through farmer seed networks could help to reduce inadequate seeds. This would enhance seed availability for farmers, resulting to enlarge grain volume in the market and also expand accessibility of mungbean for users. This project attempts to maintain and multiplied farmer groups to keep a sustainable seed and grain in community that result to encourage seed and food security in Thailand.


Mungbean seed; Farmer networks; Seed and food security

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