วีถีมังกร ตอนที่ 5 The limitation of Car Use in Beijing


By Junbo Shange (17 January 2021)


Due to the massive increase in the number of cars in China, and accompanied by environmental problems. As Chinese first-tier city, also the capital city, Beijing, adopted a vehicle purchase restriction policy in 2011. According to statistics, as of the end of 2019, Beijing had 6.365 million vehicles, an increase of 281,000 vehicles over the end of the previous year. There were 5.908 million civilian vehicles, an increase of 162,000.

On the other hand, as of the last quarter of 2016, there are 3.82 million fixed parking spaces in the city areas. In the Beijing rural areas, in accordance with the principle of “ownership if you have a car”, the villagers own 450,000 cars, which is recognized as the number of cars in rural areas. In this way, there are a total of 4.27 million parking spaces in the area. In 2019, the road parking reform was completed, and electronic toll collection was implemented on 552 roads and more than 60,000 parking spaces.

In Beijing, the number of cars is restricted by extracting license plate numbers. To apply a license plate to a vehicle, the license plate number needs to be drawn in a way similar to a lottery ticket. Beginning in 2013, the issuance of Beijing automobile license plates began to show a downward trend, from 257,569 in 2012 to 240,621 in 2013, and declining year by year, until it was 96,874 in 2018.

Another thing worth noting is that new energy vehicle licenses were issued in 2014, accounting for 13% of the total. This data has increased year by year, until 2018, new energy vehicle licenses accounted for more than half of the total, reaching 59%. This means that it is increasingly difficult for Beijing residents to obtain license plates, and it is stipulated that a driver can only obtain one license plate at most. For those who want to extract license plate numbers in Beijing, they have different conditions because of their different identities.

For vehicles to travel, the regulations have also adopted strict control. 1. Restricted travel time, such as trucks: travel is restricted from 6 am to midnight every day. 2. Restricted areas, for example, trucks can only drive on the sixth ring road and above. 3. Restriction rules, for example, each vehicle can apply for the Beijing Pass at most 12 times a year, and the validity period of the Beijing Pass each time is up to 7 days. 4. Restricted end numbers, for example, from June 1, 2020 to July 5, 2020, the end numbers of restricted motor vehicle license plates from Monday to Friday are: 1 and 6, 2 and 7, 3 and 8, 4 and 9, 5, and 0.

While supervising vehicles, the driving license deduction system was promulgated. Each driver failed to score 12 points per driving book. Drivers who do not follow regulations while driving on the road will cause corresponding traffic violations, which will result in deductions for corresponding traffic violations. The deduction points for road traffic safety violations are mainly divided into 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 points deduction items. Drivers who have deducted 12 points within a year need to be deducted from their driver’s license and re-study. This policy has played an important role in safe driving.



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